Our own programming

In the name of the habits and the negative psychology that has been instilled in our youth, our society has produced a radical individual identity. Human life in our region became programmed and robotized, & under the domination of a local sect that spread misery and defeat in the minds of younger generations. Unemployment and injustice of governments contributed to isolate these young people in to the world of the holy Muslim seen in their own way.
Poor people are nothing in this world; they are just slaves of a radical sense of human divinity. They taught to adulate the creator spirit through persecution and destruction. However the negative changes resulting from these dependent attributes showed that dementia deteriorated all that is rational. These monarchical governments contributed for centuries to destroy the man, and then turn it into a machine to hate the man, society and prosperity.
It is a product of phenomenal society that represents life, as the symbol of jihad (struggle) in life.
We organized for many decades devastating human machines operating under the program “destroys and kills”

About yousser

Freelance Blogger Philosophy,PhD Leadership development
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