Genesis of civilizations

Most of us believe that participating to volunteerism actions provide us fulfillment for ourselves and a deep satisfaction to do our duty toward our God and nation.
It’s a way to build society’s social capital and self-confidence that stimulate creative thinking and quality production. The problem is to educate young people to be a part of their communities and convince them to do their best. But progress and generalized trust don’t arise without the dynamic role of public life that engages social behavior and cultural values. If we examine closely the reasons of stagnation in the social progress in the countries of authoritarianism, we can see merely that citizenship is not allowed or is organized as political audience and power to domineering governments. However social progress cannot be realized without the contribution of volunteering on basis of democratic politics and public minded. It’s clear that people cannot be good if they are not experiencing their emotional state and be a part of their societies.
Researches showed that public actions near a good job build faith and self-assurance. Moreover citizens cannot be secure or living in healthy way without achieving their duty of respectable citizen.
Effectively social progress is the only way to sustain civilizations and involve public deliberations that democratize countries and participatory politics.

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La productivité est l’harmonie du monde

Source: La productivité est l’harmonie du monde

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La productivité est l’harmonie du monde

De nombreuses statistiques ont confirmé que les employés équilibres sont beaucoup plus efficaces que ceux qui arrivent au travail avec le fardeau de leurs problèmes familiaux.
Bien sûr, le travail sera plus confortable dans un environnement productif et responsable, car il permettra la réalisation d’accomplissements et de succès. Ce qui contribuera a accentuer notre flexibilité dans la manière de raisonner et de résoudre nos problèmes dans le travail et dans notre vie privée aussi. Par exemple, si un employé obtient une récompense dans son travail, Il gagnera plus de confiance en lui-même, prendra de nouvelles initiatives, et sera créatif & innovant. Il est important que les institutions ajustent un climat avantageux pour les employés, afin qu’ils puissent se laisser aller à la création. C’est un sentiment de bonheur et un signe de fécondité qui cultive le rendement.
La productivité est considérée comme le plus grand avantage concurrentiel dans l’économie moderne, et une force de travail positive pour le bonheur humain aussi bien dans les lieux du travail que dans notre vie privée. Cependant, le bonheur au travail réside dans le sentiment d’allégresse après l’achèvement de chaque activité avec succès.
Sensation merveilleuse qui aide aussi à réaliser le potentiel humain, et a enseigner de nouvelles compétences d’une manière rapide. En outre, la réalisation de soi contribue à une meilleure compréhension du rôle de la citoyenneté et du travail social. La clé du bonheur est d’apporter un appui à d’autres personnes dans le besoin, et obtenir le bien être de tous les gens qui sont autour de vous. Plutôt que de gémir et de se plaindre, commençons à octroyer des opportunités à ceux qui travaillent avec nous, et donnons leur la chance de se prouver. Plus encore, nous contribuerons à nourrir des nouvelles valeurs et une culture centrée sur la solidarité et la tolérance sociale. Apres vingt ans de travail communautaire, je ne peux que confirmer que j’ai atteint le bonheur dans ma vie après m’être exprimée professionnellement, et à chaque accomplissement, je gagnais de la logique et la paix intérieure. La meilleure façon d’amplifier le développement social est de procurer un climat fertile à la productivité, et à permettre l’accomplissement et la prospérité pour tous.

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Homelands deprived from love

Source: Homelands deprived from love

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Homelands deprived from love

homeland means security, safety & confidence, work and
Ambitions…… If these conditions are not met, how can we obtain fine home? All is ink on paper and utopist rules fashioned by the predators. Quorums are only Liars formulated by pedant rulers came from the jungle of carnivorous animals who spread hate and hopelessness among their people. The Arab world is lost because of our silence, and we conspired to disasters, to bankruptcy and the destruction of our society.
Someone told me one day about a dinner party that we live in denial in terms of our common sense, and about what we like to do in our lives. I asked him to give me for instance: He recounted to me that grief will never leave our lives and we will never smile even in front of hot meal, because we are accustomed to live like someone menaced by a gun pointed to his head. He continued:”In one of our wedding in Jordan concerts, I was looking around the table who I was sitting and I was curious to look under our table. It was the big surprise: the faces of guests who looked sad and bored had nothing to do with their feet who were dancing according tones up and down according of the drum rhythms”. What’s going on here? My friend merely understood the game. We have our own laws and taboos and invented the guillotine to cut the humanity of mankind. We created sadness, depression, violence and made our nations enjoying slavery. We would become two people in one body the Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. One loves life and the other finds pleasure to lament and accuse his bad luck.
Who prevent people from enjoying life?
These are the same people who eat your food and steal your country, your family and your dreams

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Our own programming

In the name of the habits and the negative psychology that has been instilled in our youth, our society has produced a radical individual identity. Human life in our region became programmed and robotized, & under the domination of a local sect that spread misery and defeat in the minds of younger generations. Unemployment and injustice of governments contributed to isolate these young people in to the world of the holy Muslim seen in their own way.
Poor people are nothing in this world; they are just slaves of a radical sense of human divinity. They taught to adulate the creator spirit through persecution and destruction. However the negative changes resulting from these dependent attributes showed that dementia deteriorated all that is rational. These monarchical governments contributed for centuries to destroy the man, and then turn it into a machine to hate the man, society and prosperity.
It is a product of phenomenal society that represents life, as the symbol of jihad (struggle) in life.
We organized for many decades devastating human machines operating under the program “destroys and kills”

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Sociobiology debate

The absolute moral standards are our creation, and social behavior arises from society evolution with its meaning and context. It does define a contact between members of different species followed by social actions. According to Max Weber,(1864-1920): “An Action is social if the acting individual takes account of the behavior of others and is thereby oriented in its course”.(Secher 1962)
It does certify that societies and their Social relations are the basis of the social structure in its complexities. However social interactions enable observational social inquiries, such as Gemeinschaft and Gesellschaft (community and society). Moreover collective consciousness is based upon interpretations of society and social institutions according to ethical values and understanding of social contexts for moral, legal and political issues. Additionally theoretical frameworks are by the way the broad based theories that formulate the perceptive theories of democracy, human rights gender equity and social justice. According to Wilson (1856-1924) social behaviors like altruism, aggression and nurturance define the evolutionary mechanics sociobiology principle basis. Darwin (1809-1882),explained that sociobiology is a territorial fight of hunting and the hive society of social insects. And those pressures led to useful ways of social interactions with the natural environment as genetic evolution of valuable social behavior.

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Defeat of moral values in the Arab region

“Hell is empty, all the devils are here”
William Shakespeare
The political business in the Arab region brought  shame to their rulers and disasters among their populations. Effectively corruption spreads social dislocation and hopeless among  people who reacted with angry and violence. They contribute to sink their people  in worries and mental health problems. You can say that our third world is invaded by demons as rulers sent direct from hell to the human world , in order to fulfill their dreams of hegemony and conditioned money. it’s time today to make the necessary change for the survival of many poor populations and to facilitate citizenship access for all. Social work and philanthropic actions will bring people together in long and shared vision of good values. additionally the experiential learning and skills will transmit to people through knowledge and good values. When social work becomes a professional discipline, it will contribute to improve life quality, social welfare and security for the less favored people. Moreover community works engages voices and build social responsibility at community and citizenship levels. It will link to social justice and social reforms, and people will learn to battle against human rights abuses and tyrannical regimes. 
The development of social work defines the understanding of the social work role that may build remedial policies,  a strong management and healthy nations.  However high potentials here arise from significant management and approved modern rules. It’s not difficult to understand the rise up of violence in countries of high behavior abuses and the high military actions against liberties and independent work. But taking action means here engaging external stimulus to fight and combat corruption and unfairness.

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Social structures and equal rights

Social capital theory is today the role of economic capital for social maintaining and defines the symbolic capital to societies. Consequently theorists stated that symbolic capital which is the rights of citizens to access a decent life must be recognized through social framework that embraces social and political systems according to democratic processes. The conceptualization of social capital is logical to communitarian approach and economic growth that lead to prosperity of societies. Social capital here is conceived as a collective asset and must be identified through empirical surveys. Consequently liberal democracies stated that political systems must evolve from fair, free and competitive elections with the entire social entities and political affiliations. It’s evident that social contract must be separated from political power in order to protect citizen’s rights and social capital and Putnam,(1993) “Making democracy work” proposed a logic framework that embraces international law with distinct disciplines that built a meaningful value in social structures. We understand also that the lack of consciousness showed by governments in the autocratic countries is the real obstacle to see societies growing in equal rights and the less favored communities accessing their symbolic rights.

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Long life learning acumen

The wisdom as seen by ancient Greeks defines the master virtue that drives humans. It does incarnate reasons and judgment in a powerful manner. It’s not just to tell the truth but also to respect people and avoid conflicted situations. It is necessary to set primacies in order to grow mutual respect and high individual responsibility. In other way we must live in commitment with community and recognizing their individual rights of self-freedom and carefulness.

For ancient Greeks, wisdom defines honorability and sacrifice to safeguard the joy and the good judgment of others people. However the second significance of virtue in ancient Greeks epitomizes justice and protection of citizen rights and dignity.

“we cannot do right unless we first see correctly”. Richard Gula

In other part the grace of life begins with education and focus on interactive virtues as social responsibility, duty, loyalty and tolerance to expression diversity.

Living with other cultures can be puzzling with further challenges, but new experimentations make us aware about the necessity to show serenity and imperturbability toward different beliefs & attitudes. The duty of civility and respect of others motivate us to show compassion and concern to peoples. The mind virtues define the human consciousness to give others a face of assets that build societies and nations. Courage and resistance are the intellectual capacities to grow consciousness and cognizance.

Accordingly education liberation and long life learning stands the pillow to social integration as a dynamic process that promotes high societal values.  It does empower societies and institutions to cooperate vigorously in a shared vision in social, economic, cultural and political life with equality of rights, equity and dignity. It is in fact the only solution that gains societies and nation’s economic stability and equal opportunities for all. The virtues of human mind define the elevation of human rights protection as well as respect for value and dignity of each individual. Only tolerance and acceptance to adversity can grow solidarity, safety and participation of all nations to the development of the universe.









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Productivity change kills the absolute rule

Recent researches highlighted that education is a strong weapon that learn assume social responsibility, skills and workforce. According to Berger, N. & Fisher, P,(2013) in “A Well-Educated Workforce Is Key to State Prosperity”, education can be deteriorated as well as economic collapse. Consequently overall economic stability derives only from employment steadiness. It is essential that governments and its institutions must invest in the organization structure and its long term benefits. The decentralization of institutions and the application of legal procedures and protocols allow commitment at work, the fair competition and the advancement of increase productivity. It is the only way to ensure social expansion and standard of living for all. Consequently the collapse of Arab governments was triggered by the economic flop and the escalation in the Unemployment .However statistics showed gap between the job markets and the job work and it is essential that postulants to job placement achieve a training orientation that help them to gain skills and to find job immediately. According to (Fisher, 2009), education plays a preeminent role in the job market and contributes to get a long term decent career. However the Millennium development goals “MDG”,(UN,2015) showed that developed countries possess higher levels of education & health and lower rates of mortality with lower rates of crime than poor countries. Moreover countries of high dictatorship showed high discrimination, centralization of power, corrupted governments & institutions, armed militias, violence against women, criminality, drug abuses, alienation and high social dislocation.
Scholastic performance and advanced technologies contribute to redefine state governance and educational structure that will grow academic skills and job safety. Consequently advanced learning and continuing education will improve citizenship, people consciousness and the life of poor communities. By the way government state will focus on new economic policies that create disciplines and opportunities for all. Subsequently countries of repression have tendency to control economy as well as education, free opinion and women emancipation. Moreover new researches showed that survival is reliant on liberation of education, economy and women freedom. However higher levels of education link to improve people happiness and their life values. It does contribute to reshape a culture of tolerance and a societal vision that give rights to all. Yes the academic achievement kills negative beliefs, attitudes of stigma that target the most vulnerable communities and those of high concerns.

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